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Basic estructures

Using HFF prefabs

Using human fall flat estructures:
In the workshop prefabs, search for grass, floor or wathever you want
Drag to the scene and make sure the extension is .prefab
Drag the prefab inside the Level
Adjust the position and rotation

Creating your own estructures

To create your own estructures:
    Go to Tools -> ProBuilder -> ProBuilder Window -> New Shape
Choose the one you want and click on build
Adjust the position and rotation
Remember to change the spawnpoint, falltrigger, passtrigger and checkpoint positions.    
Now you are ready to make a simple level


If you want to add water in your map go to:
Assets -> Workshop -> Prefabs
and drag the "WaterSquare" to your map
If you want players to survive by touching the water, uncheck "Can Drown"

Examples levels

If you want to check examples levels
In the workshop prefabs search for "level" and drag begginer level or intermediate level to the hierarchy