Table Of Contents
Before we start i recommend you to create a folder where you can save all your estructures
Go to Assets -> Workshop -> Prefabs
Right click and create folder
To save your estructures, prefabs etc. Drag it to your folder
Moving platform
In the workshop prefabs search for "level" and drag intermediate level to the hierarchy
Drag the moving platform to your proyect (remember the moving platform prefab must be inside "level" otherwise you will get export errors)
Click on the moving platform and in the inspector tab (on your right) you will see a lot of scripts and differents components.
The "Signal Math Mul (Script)" is where you change the speed of your platform
To change the direction, open the "MovingPlatformVertical" in the hierarchy and click in axis and change the rotation
To change the distance, speed and acceleration, open the "MovingPlatformVertical" in the hierarchy and click in axis and go to "Linear Joint (script)" and change the values
To change or delete the sound, open the "MovingPlatformVertical" in the hierarchy and click in LiftA-End and go to "Audio Source" and the click on Audio clip and change the sound or delete with supr the LiftA-End in the hierarchy
Spinning obastacle
In the hierarchy create an empty object and name it (this is where we will keep all our objects)
Go to Tools -> ProBuilder -> ProBuilder Window -> New ShapeThen create a small icosahedron, click on "center pivot" and put it in the center of the platform
Click the icosahedron in the hierarchy, look to the inspector tab and follow these steps:
1) In Pb_Entity (Script) change the entity type to "mover"
2) In Mesh Collider, check the "Convex" box
3) Add component -> Hinge Joint and change the anchor values to (0, 0, 0) and the axis values to (0, 1, 0) or (0, -1 ,0), thats depends on where you want the rotation direction
4) In the same Hinge Joint tab, check the box "Use motor", set the target velocity (e.g. 150) and force (e.g. 500000)
5) Add component -> Net body (So the arms can spin in online multiplayer)
6) In Rigid Body change the mass (e.g. 500)
Remember to try differents values!
Create a cylinder, uncheck the "mesh collider" and put in the center between the icosahedron and the platform.
Create a cube and with the scale tool, make the arms of your spinning platform and put it in the center. In the herarchy put inside the icosphere
Click the cube (arms) in the hierarchy, look to the inspector tab and follow these steps:
1) In Pb_Entity (Script) change the entity type to "mover"
2) In Mesh Collider, check the "Convex" box
Following this principle, you can make differents obstacles for example, (Ctrl+D) the arms and you can make a triple spinning
Spinning thrower
In the hierarchy create an empty object and name it (this is where we will keep all our objects)
Go to Tools -> ProBuilder -> ProBuilder Window -> New ShapeCreate a cube and then make a platform or use any HFF workshop prefabs as a platform
Create a cylinder