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Core level parts

Base level

First, delete (right click + delete or just press supr) the main camera and directional light (we dont need it because human fall flat already have it).
In the Unity search bar, search for "level", and drag it to the hierarchy
InitialSpawnpoint: players spawn point
FallTrigger: is where players fall in the level 
PassTrigger: finish the level
Directional Light: light source


To create a checkpoint you need to follow this steps:
    1) Create empty inside level object and rename it to Checkpoint 1
    2) On the layer select Triggers
    3) Add component -> Box collider -> Tick "Is Trigger" -> change the size as you like
    4) Add component -> Checkpoint -> change the number to "1"
To add more checkpoints, duplicate the object (ctrl + d or copy and paste) and change the number in the checkpoint to "2" and so on.


You can change the lighting settings

Go to window -> lighting -> settings
You can change the skybox material (search sky, space etc.) in the select material window
You can add sun source if you drag the directional light to the sun source box
You can change the environmental lighting, ambient color, enviromental reflections etc.


You can take them out if you want
Click on level and tick "no clouds"